10th Anniversary: The Killers of Terri Schiavo, God Help Them

This is an agonizing account to read, written by Terri Schiavo’s brother on the tenth anniversary of her murder. The murderer was her husband, Michael Schiavo, and his accomplice was Judge George W. Greer. Another accomplice was the liar, Attorney for the killer Michael Schiavo, George Felos, a right-to-die litigator, who petitioned the court for his “share” of Terri Schiavo’s medical trust fund, which was $800,000.  Felos said Terri looked “beautiful” when she was dying: “I’ve never seen such a look of peace and beauty upon her.” I do not have to tell readers what greedy lawyers take for their “share” in a litigation. Usually 30 -40%. Selos got his money. Michael Schiavo got his money. I am sure Terri Schiavo IS very beautiful now, her soul glowing in her clarity in the glory of God, awaiting the resurrection. Her picture, which her brother posted in his tribute, says it all. God bless you and your family Bobby Schindler.

LifeNews.com: On March 18, 2005, my sister, Terri Schiavo, began her thirteen day agonizing death after the feeding tube – supplying her food and water – was removed. Terri was cognitively disabled and had difficulty swallowing and therefore needed a feeding tube. Terri was not on any “life support”, nor was she sick or dying. Nonetheless, she received her death sentence ordered by Circuit Court Judge, George W. Greer of Pinellas County Florida. Read the full article here.