84% of Egyptian Moslems Want Death Penalty for Moslems Who Change Their Religion

Yes, this, and other cruel punishments for adultery (men are exempt) and theft, are the favored penalties in what would be democracy in many Moslem dominated countries.

Sandro Magister in Chiesa News Online writes: Much of the Egyptian population that in recent days has rebelled against the thirty-year regime of Hosni Mubarak says that it prefers democracy to any other form of government. At the same time, however, and in an overwhelming majority, they want those who commit adultery to be stoned, thieves to have their hands cut off, and those who abandon the Muslim religion to be put to death. This is the result of a survey conducted in Egypt and in six other majority Muslim countries by the Washington-based Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life, the world leader for research in this field: Read the rest of the report here.