Analyzing The Heterodoxies Of The ‘Shadow Council’

As some readers might recall, on May 25, 2015, the presidents of the German, Swiss, and French Bishops Conferences had organized a private conference at the Gregorian University in Rome.

This “Shadow Council,” as it soon was called, was criticized for its secrecy and obliqueness. The suspicion arose that this meeting was intended for preparing some revolutionary strategies and argumentation in order to promote the liberalizing agenda at the upcoming October 2015 Synod of Bishops on the Family.

On July 15, the Shadow Council’s presentations were unexpectedly published by the three national bishops conferences. This therefore gives us an opportunity at least to get an impression of the methods of discourse and of the substance of the presentations. As expected, the content of the presentations is quite shocking and revolutionary. One could barely even imagine that such documents would be ever published by a Catholic bishops conference.

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