Andean Bishop Denies Maryknoll a Mission

Bishop Jose Maria Ortega Trinidad has no tolerance for the American foreign missionary society which, so Catholic and apostolic in its early years, has, since the 1960s, yielded its holy ideals to the delusional pretenses of Marxist liberation theology.  Bravo Bishop Ortega Trinidad! The fact that Maryknoll has been getting away with its Arian and communistic propagandizing for half-a-century is a pathetic disgrace.  Their magazine and book publishing company, Orbis books, are nothing less than vehicles of revolutionary socialist disinformation and heresy masquerading under the mantle of “Catholic” legitimacy.  It’s about time a prelate stood up this parasitic cancer which, feeding off the donations of ignorant altruists, has spread its deadly doctrines among every class of Catholics in Latin America, upper, middle, and lower.  Read more here.