Category: Articles

This is where the feature articles, most of our site content, are deposited. “From the Laptops,” columns, the News Portal, Downloads, and Books (soon to be added) finish off our site content. All of these are navagable by the category links at the top and bottom of every page.

A Culture of Contempt

Pro-Life Heroes — The valiant, pro-life heroes of Operation Rescue, who keep a lonely vigil in front of the killing centers, where children are slaughtered on an industrial scale, practice a kind of Benedictine spirituality, where some pray and some labor. Although … Continue reading

The Third Civil War

“Well, then, here we sit, an old, grey, withered, sour-visaged, threadbare sort of gentleman, erect enough, here in our solitude, but marked out by a depressed and distrustful mien abroad, as one conscious of a stigma upon his forehead, though … Continue reading

Two Gentlemen from Sussex

On the face of it, there could no more different people in terms of politics and religion than Hilaire Belloc and Rudyard Kipling. Belloc, as one half of the notorious “Chesterbelloc” was one of the most powerful apologists for Catholicism … Continue reading