Category: Spiritual Life

This category, of course, can cover many topics. We try to limit it in this section to articles that deal with the inner life of the soul elevated by grace or wounded by sin: virtue and vice, heroic Catholic men and women as seen under the light of the particular virtue they exemplified, the cardinal virtues, spiritual formation, growth, and purgation, and the theological virtues of faith, hope, and charity.

Days of Grace

We are in the Sacred Triduum and therefore have entered into the very “holy of holies” of the Church’s liturgical cycle. Please know that all our generous supporters, tertiaries, readers, and friends are remembered in our prayers in this holiest … Continue reading

To Heaven with You!

Catholics should always have some good spiritual book that they are reading. “Spiritual reading,” and its more ancient cousin, Lectio Divina, are staples of the Catholic spiritual diet.1 The need for devout reading has always been a reality for the … Continue reading

Fortes in Fide

Every night, when the Brothers pray the traditional office of Compline together, we encounter the following words of Saint Peter (I Pet. 5:8): Fratres: Sóbrii estóte, et vigiláte: quia adversárius vester diábolus tamquam leo rúgiens círcuit, quærens quem dévoret: cui … Continue reading

What Nobody Can Take from You

In the midst of the global psyop that is currently weaponizing people’s fear, anger, hatred, and other disordered passions, there is much that has been lost: money, property, education, peace, sanity, stability, even, in many places, physical access to Holy … Continue reading