Confronting UN Pressure Malta Reaffirms Its Commitment to Defend Life at Every Stage

The most Catholic country in Europe (98%) Malta is also the only European country that outlaws divorce.  It constitution declares the country’s official religion to be Roman Catholicism. The 2% of the population that is not Catholic are non-Maltese foreigners, mostly British.

LifeNews reports: Pat Buckley of the British pro-life group SPUC has been at the meeting of the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva and has the following report: “The United Nations Human Rights Council reviews periodically the situation on human rights in UN member-states. The council has just released the report of its review of Malta. In the review process, the Maltese government ‘reiterate[d] that the right to life is an inherent right of every human being – this includes the unborn child, from its conception. We will retain our existing national legislation on the question of abortion.’ The Holy See (the government of the Catholic Church) supported Malta within the council by recommending that Malta ‘continue its policy in defense of the right to life’ Malta’s resolute and courageous stand for life and family values in the face of considerable pressure from pro-abortion and anti-family forces is to be commended. The Holy See is also to be commended for supporting Malta’s pro-life and pro-family laws.” The defense comes at a time when Malta was given an ambassador from the United States, Douglas Kmiec, who has defended the pro-abortion views of President Barack Obama