Democracy Our Downfall

Patrick J Buchanan shows how those itching to spread “our way of life” throughout the world, instead of forming a pro-American network across the globe, are forging the alliances that will ultimately destroy us. It’s a form of geo-political suicide that seems inherent in democracy. Let’s dump the phony pieties; democracy is “the god that failed.” 

PJB cites some of the American Founding Fathers proffering their frank opinions of democracy:

Adams: “Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide.”

Jefferson: “A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where 51 percent of the people may take away the rights of the other 49.”

Madison: “Democracy is the most vile form of government.”

Did you learn that in your Civics class, kids? I didn’t think so.

And how will this suicide come to pass? Possibly via a masterfully unintelligent U.S. Middle East policy:

Writing in World Affairs, Geoffrey Wheatcroft quotes author Aaron David Miller (The Much Too Promised Land) that across the Middle East America is “not liked, not respected and not feared.”

What makes this “frightening,” says Wheatcroft, “is that many American politicians and commentators … have yet to grasp this reality. Such ignorance is evident in the bizarre notion—current even before George W. Bush took the oath of office—that America not only can and should spread democracy, but that this would be in the American national interest. Why did anyone think this?”

Asks Wheatcroft, “If the United States is not liked or respected throughout the Arab countries, why on earth would Americans want to democratize them?”

Why indeed.

Our Lady of America, pray for us!