Eight Reasons to Rejoice on the Birthday of Our Lady

The Holy Trinity rejoices with the birth of the Immaculate Conception for whom they created the whole world.

The Eternal Word rejoices in the birth of His Mother into whose womb He would descend as a Conqueror: “Thy almighty word leapt down from heaven from thy royal throne, as a fierce conqueror into the midst of the land of destruction” (Wisdom 18:15).

Saints Joachim and Elizabeth rejoice with the birth of their miraculously conceived daughter. Miraculous, not because it was acheived other than by nature, but because Saint Anne was beyond child-bearing age.

The choirs of angels rejoice at Mary’s entrance into the world. Imagine the joy of her guardian angel who received his assignment to protect this Immaculate Child at her birth.

The holy souls in the Limbo of the Just, especially the patriarchs and prophets, rejoiced when they were informed of the advent of the Mother of God their Savior. Her coming was the light preceeding the dawn of the Son of Justice who would lead them into eternal bliss.

The Church Militant rejoices in celebrating the liturgy of  the Nativity of Mary who came forth from her mother’s womb “as the morning rising, fair as the moon, bright as the sun, terrible as an army set in array” (Canticle of Canticles 6:9).

The Church Triumphant rejoices with us in celebrating the Nativity of Mary, vessel of election, free from any stain of sin, for whom they have poured out on earth and do forever their most tender filial devotion. De Mariam numquam satis (Of Mary never enough), exclaimed Saint Bernard, the Doctor Marianus and “Troubadour of Our Lady.”

The Church Suffering rejoices in celebrating the Nativity of Mary who always hears the prayers of their supplicants.