Euthanasia Bill Filed in New Hampshire and Hawaii

The anti-life, anti-family forces march on.  State after state, bill after bill, they never stop.  If one of their evil bills doesn’t pass this time, the relentless malefactors file it again as soon as the law allows.  Funded by billionaires like Warren Buffett and Bill Gates and millionaires like Tom Gill, they have plenty of lobbyists on their payroll working full time to undermine Christian values. Euthanasia is better called “assisted suicide,” because the death that brought about is not “good,” nor painless, as the literal translation of the word denotes. The wrenching of the soul from the body is never painless, nor is it “dignified” as euthanasia supporters contend. We pray for a happy death, in which the soul is at peace in grace; but even in the state of grace there is nothing dignified about the experience.  But even if a suicide were painless, the never-ending torments of hell aren’t. And hell is the terrible price to be paid for this self-imposed “good death.”

LifeNews. com reports: With Washington state voters deciding to become the second state to legalize assisted suicide and courts in Montana poised to make it the third, the pro-euthanasia movement is working with legislators in Hawaii and New Hampshire to try to make them states four and five to allow the grisly practice.