High-Ranking Jesuit Says Door Now Open for Divorced/Remarried to Receive Communion

www.chiesa, Sandro Magister: In presenting the post-synodal exhortation “Amoris Lætitia” today, in the latest issue of “La Civiltà Cattolica” – promptly released in conjunction with the publication of the papal document – Fr. Spadaro shows no hesitation in declaring that prophecy to have been fulfilled.

Francis – he writes confidently – has removed all the “limits” of the past, even in “sacramental discipline,” for “so-called irregular” couples: a “so-called” that is not Spadaro’s but the pope’s, and that in the judgment of Church historian Alberto Melloni “is worth the whole exhortation,” because all by itself it absolves such couples and makes them “eligible for the Eucharist.” More here.