Irish Noblemen and the Know-Nothings

In 1844, an organization of bigots, violently anti-Catholic, called the Know-Nothings, among many other acts of violence that they were guilty of, attacked and set fire to a poorly protected church in Philadelphia and burned down an Ursuline convent in Charlestown, Massachusetts. When it was made known in New York that they were about to execute a similar siege on Saint Patrick’s Cathedral, a valiant Irish Catholic defense unit, known as the Ancient Order of Hibernians, was employed by the then Archbishop Hughes to protect the holy place because the city’s mayor, a Know-Nothing Sympathizer, refused to provide police protection. Recently, that same group of Irish noblemen had to be summoned to action again, when even more diabolical enemies–thousands of homosexual perverts and blasphemers — threatened this past June to desecrate the grounds of the glorious Cathedral of New York by using the Church’s steps as a viewing stand for their infamous parade. The Ancient Order of Hibernians was successful again, standing their ground while a dwindling number of sodomites conducted their somber parade off church property.