Kasper: If Vatican II Changed Ecclesiology Why Not Marriage?

There you have it. Dilute the “irreformable” dogma of “No salvation outside the Church” (by obfuscation and subterfuge, that is) then why not clip away at the hedges protecting the integrity of holy matrimony. Every doctrine is subject to revision if the foundational dogma on salvation does not mean what it says.

Rorate Caeli: In the interview that he granted to the Vaticanist Andrea Tornielli on September 18th, the Cardinal says:  “Church doctrine is not a closed system: the Second Vatican Council teaches us that there is a development, meaning that it is possible to look into this further. I wonder if a deeper understanding similar to what we saw in ecclesiology, is possible in this case (i.e. that of divorced Catholics who have remarried civilly).  Although the Catholic Church is Christ’s true Church, there are elements of ecclesiality beyond the institutional boundaries of the Church too. Couldn’t some elements of sacramental marriage also be recognized in civil marriages in certain cases? For example, the lifelong commitment, mutual love and care, Christian life and a public declaration of commitment that does not exist in common-law marriages.”