Kenyian Bishops Exposes Mandatory Vaccine That Causes Infertility and Miscarriages

Four points, they made: (Pia de Solenni, Aletaia)


  • That we are shocked at the level of dishonesty and casual manner in which such a serious issue is being handled by the Government.
  • That a report presented to the Parliamentary Committee on Health  November 4, 2014 by the Ministry of Health, claiming that the Government had tested the Vaccine and found it clean of  Beta- HCG hormone, is false and a deliberate attempt to distort the truth and mislead 42 million Kenyans.
  • That we are dismayed by attempts to intimidate and blackmail medical professionals who have corroborated information about the vaccine, with threats of disciplinary action. We commend and support all professionals who have stood by the truth.
  • That we shall not waver in calling upon all Kenyans to avoid the tetanus vaccination campaign laced with Beta-HCG, because we are convinced that  it is indeed a disguised population control programme.

More on this here.