Men’s Retreat Slideshow

Last weekend took place the SBC Men’s Retreat at a local campground in Richmond. Daily Mass, Rosary, and manly activities complemented a series of talks by Fr. David Phillipson, Dr. G.C. DilsaverMr. Steve Demasco, and your humble servant.

This was not an Ignatian retreat, but something of an entirely different order.

Among the activities the men and boys engaged in were building altars out of local white birch logs to be used for Mass and Benediction, and a lengthy torchlight Eucharistic procession accompanied by the carrying of a 250 pound cross dubbed “the Cross of Manhood.” This was in keeping with the retreat’s theme, “Shouldering the Cross of Manhood.”

Below is a slideshow of the weekend, showing some of the indoor and outdoor activities.

Created with Admarket’s flickrSLiDR.