New Book “Be a Man” Interview With Author Father Larry Richards

I figured this was just another one of many articles or books written in the past few years on the subject of true Catholic manhood. So, I was going to pass over Randy Sly’s interview with Father Richards. I’m glad I didn’t. If the wisdom Father Richards conveys in a telephone interview is so powerful then I would have to say that the book, which I intend to read, must be excellent.

Here’s a clip: “One time I gave a talk, Fr. Richards said, “where I stated ‘Gentlemen, you need to love God more than you love your wives or your kids.'”

“A guy came up to me and said ‘Father, I completely disagree with you!’ And I said, ‘Well, you’re completely wrong. You need to completely love God more than your wife and kids. Then you can love them with God’s love not just your love. It transforms it.” I admire a priest, or anyone, who gives a straight answer. Reminds me of the French knights in the Chanson de Roland who sang,  “the Christians are right and the Moslems are wrong.” Read more of the interview here.