Newly Ordained Norwegian Convert: ‘St Olaf is neither Catholic nor Protestant’

Kathy Schiffer, Patheos: Bishop Bernt Ivar Eisvig, the Catholic bishop of Oslo, ordained 67-year-old Egil Mogstad.  Many Lutherans were in attendance; in fact, Father Mogstad said, “I have my Lutheran friends to thank that I was ordained in the cathedral. I would never have dared to make such a request myself.”  A keen ecumenist, Father Mogstad added, “St Olaf is neither Catholic nor Protestant. He died as a Christian for all of us here in Norway.”

Catholic and Lutheran relations in Norway are very close, and the two faiths share many feasts and celebrations.  Religious education in that nation comes under the broad heading “Ethics and Approach to Life” and does not require teachers to belong to any particular denomination. More of this here.