Notice to All Law Enforcement: Pro-Lifers Have Been Declassified as Terrorists

The calumniating report has already made the rounds.  Now Homeland Security decides to pull it off their record. The harm has been done and it cannot be undone. When you let go a lie about someone, the mud still sticks even after it falls off the victim’s face. But here we are talking about our civil rights. We’ve been declared outlaws and the posters are still out there. I proposed the question in a previous post: Who is responsible? Pro-life congressmen are demanding to know. DHS can’t just pull the record and forget about it. Here is Napolitano’s hollow attempt at an excuse:

LifeNews reports. “The  wheels came off the wagon because the vetting process was not followed,”  Napolitano said, according to the Washington Times. “The  report is no longer out there,” Napolitano added. “An employee  sent it out without authorization.” But it is “out there.” It’s been sent to every police chief and sheriff. And who is this “employee”? One employee? Is this woman serious? What a cover up! Imagine if a report went out from DHS warning police to be on their guard for cars with pro-choice bumperstickers. The owners could be “left wing extremist terrorists.” You bet your life that heads wouild fly in DHS, suits would follow, and Napolitano would be out of a job.

Here’s the full article.