Obama Takes Daughters to Meet a Very Sick Rock Star

NBCNews: President Barack Obama is closing out his Hawaii vacation by hanging out with Pearl Jam rocker Eddie Vedder. Obama took his daughters, Sasha and Malia, to visit with Vedder and his family in Kailua, not far from where the Obamas are renting a vacation home. They spent less than half an hour with Vedder.

“Ten years old. That’s the age my child would have been,” gloats pro-abortion fanatic Vedder in a Spin Magazine interview in 1992. “And I would not be here in Glasgow. I wouldn’t be in this band or traveling. And I wouldn’t have seen the liberal ways in which other countries we have visited deal with this issue. I wouldn’t have been asked to write this piece.” (my italic)

Kristen Walker of LifeNews comments: It’s hard for me to respect a man who ruminates on his aborted child and comes up with, “Instead of being a father, I get to do lots of neat rock star stuff, like travel to super cool places and write a really deep article about abortion and grow my hair out!”

He went on, unfortunately:

“Perhaps I’ll have a child in the future, when I can provide properly. Who knows. But as individuals in this ‘free’ country, we must have the right to choose when that time is right. A couple…is faced with an unwanted pregnancy; it makes no difference if there is no means of support… Yeah, there are programs to assist. Welfare and health programs that are constant victims of cutbacks. The child can sit in severely overcrowded classrooms and be taught by underpaid teachers.”