Saint Abra (361)

She was the daughter of Saint Hilary of Poitiers, a Doctor of the Church, born before he was converted to the Catholic Faith and gave up his wife to God.  She was eighteen years old when she died, and was the greatest glory of her father’s heart.  Of the thirty-two Doctors of the Church, including Saint Hilary, eight have notable relatives who were saints.  Saint Basil’s grandmother, Saint Macrina, his father and his mother, Saint Basil and Saint Emmelia, two of his brothers, Saint Peter of Sebaste and Saint Gregory of Nyssa, and his sister, Saint Macrina, were all saints.  Saint Gregory Nazianzen’s mother, Saint Nonna, was a saint and so were his sister, Saint Gorgonia, and his brother, Saint Caesarius.  Saint Ambrose has a sister, Saint Marcellina, and a brother, Saint Satyrus, who were saints.  Saint Augustine’s mother was a saint, the notable Saint Monica.  Saint Gregory the Great’s mother, Saint Sylvia, and his two aunts, Saint Tarsilla and Saint Emiliana, were saints.  Saint Isidore of Seville has among the saints two of his brothers, Saint Leander and Saint Fulgentius, and a sister, Saint Florentina.  Saint Bernard of Clairvaux has a sister, Saint Humbeline, and a brother, Blessed Gerard, both listed in the catalogue of saints of the Roman Catholic Church.

Saint Abra’s Father: the ordination of Saint Hilary of Poitiers
14th century; Vie de saintes (details/credits)