San Diego Catholic QB Phillip Rivers Should Offer True Faith to Tim Tebow

There is an interesting article on Catholic evangelization, “Bringing Tim Tebow & Others To The Fullness of Truth That Is The Catholic Church,” written by by David Hartline for The American Catholic.  When he mentioned certain apologetical converts, Steve Ray, whom I had never heard of, and his wife got my full attention. Why? Because Father Feeney used to hear the same criticism that they brought up from many of his converts. Yes, giving a personal invitation to a non-Catholic friend or relative to learn about the true Faith is a first step that some outside the Church are just waiting for. That is our obligation as Catholics; that is our greatest work of charity. And that is Hartline’s point.

Here is the relevant clip: Steve Ray stated that on the day he and his wife were received into the Church his wife said she was a little sad that this hadn’t happened years before, “Why didn’t someone who we knew to be Catholic tell us about these wonderful truths?” Why indeed? Read full article here.