Six German Bishops Stand Together Against the Liberal Majority

Rorate Caeli: Here are some thoughts as an orientation concerning a problematic declaration – in my eyes – of the Central Committee of German Catholics [ZdK] made public this past weekend: […]

If we were to consider the Church’s Faith as it has been lived and shared until now and specifically concerning these topics [of marriage, sexuality and the family], then the approval of the requests made by the ZdK would mean a dramatic change of much that has been heretofore held to be valid concerning marriage and human sexuality. The Church believes – because of the Revelation that was given to her – that lived sexual practice has its legitimate place only within a marriage between a man and a woman, both of whom are open to the procreation of life and both of whom have made a bond that is to last until the death of one of the spouses. […] this bond is called a Sacrament, and it is strengthened with the help of God’s own explicit promise to be the third part in this bond vowed between the two; He is the One Who binds this relationship, Who sanctifies it, makes it indissoluble and Who is also, again and again, the Source of Salvation for them. Full statement is here.