The True Facts About the ‘Kidnapped’ Jewish Boy Edgardo Mortara

National Catholic Register, Kathy Schiffer: Vittorio Messori, in his book Kidnapped by the Vatican? The Unpublished Memoirs of Edgardo Mortara, quotes from Mortara’s own testimony:

When I was adopted by Pius IX, the whole world shouted that I was a victim, a martyr of the Jesuits. But in spite of all this, I, most grateful to Divine Providence, which had led me to the true Family of Christ, was living happily at Saint Peter in Chains, and in my humble person the law of the Church was in effect, despite Emperor Napoleon III, Cavour, and some other great men of this earth. What is left of all that? Only the heroic “non possumus” (“we cannot”) of the great Pope of the Immaculate Conception. More on this here.