Vatican ‘Life’ Academy Hosting Pro-Abortion and Euthanasia Speakers

Yet, Pope Francis tells the Conference that euthanasia is “always” wrong. How is it that a Pontifical Academy then is giving a platform to pro-euthanasia speakers? This is not exactly “doublespeak,” rather it seems to me more like the politician who manages to walk down both sides of the street at the same time with his finger in the air, telling one group he is pro-life and the other group that he is “pro-choice”. Si, si, no, no! “Who, having known the justice of God, did not understand that they who do such things, are worthy of death; and not only they that do them, but they also that consent to them that do them.” (Romans 1:12)

1Peter5, Maike Hickson: In just a few days, from 16 to 17 November, the newly reformed Pontifical Academy for Life will host a conference in Rome on the topic of “End-of-Life Questions.” (Nota Bene: the event is already closed.) One of the announced speeches’ title is: “Euthanasia in the Netherlands: Balancing autonomy and compassion.” As this title indicates, the message of this new Vatican event might well be more heterodox than loyal Catholics would desire. The World Medical Association is co-hosting this event. Significantly, the Pontifical Academy for Life itself has not yet advertised this upcoming conference on its website.

As the World Medical Association has announced, however, the Rome conference is meant to be a meeting of both proponents and critics of euthanasia: Report is here.