Good Story of Two Clergy Abuse Victims’ Return to the Church

National Catholic Register, Patti Armstrong: [Paul Peloquin, a victim]: “We need good priests, who want to live as servants,” Peloquin said. “We don’t have the sacraments without them. Most priests are good, but some are not. When a man of the cloth abuses, he’s a wolf in sheep’s clothing doing the devil’s work. The Church has a lot of problems because it’s full of human beings,” he said, “The perpetrators are narcissists, manipulators, and sociopaths.”

Peloquin’s message to victims is: “Don’t let the evil one imprison you. There’s one who came to set you free—Jesus—who can heal us from our wounds. He is your hope and he never stopped loving you. He is there with open arms and thirsts for you to come back. If you leave the Church, you are leaving more than you realize; you are leaving your means for salvation.” Read account here.