Saint Benedict Joseph Labre (1783)

He was a saintly man who spent his life as a pilgrim and as a beggar in France and in Italy. He went about from church to church, spending most of his day in adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. His favorite shrine, to which he made a pilgrimage every year, was the Holy House of Loreto, the house where Mary was conceived and born, and where she conceived her Divine Child — and which had been miraculously transported through the air by angels, in 1291, from Nazareth to Dalmatia, and in 1294, from Dalmatia to Loreto. Saint Benedict Joseph Labre, the beggar, was canonized one hundred years after his death.

Tomb of St Benedict Joseph Labre, Church of Santa Maria ai Monti, Rome (source)

Tomb of St Benedict Joseph Labre,
Church of Santa Maria ai Monti, Rome (source)