Our Lady, Mother of the Good Shepherd

The Good Shepherd, Who is Jesus Christ Our Lord, will feed His lambs and His sheep just as His Mother tells Him to. He will care for them when she wants it and give them what favors she desires Him to give. Jesus as a Child was the One Whom Mary the Shepherdess cared for as a little Lamb. Now that He is the Divine Shepherd, He retains all her ways, all her manners and style of doing things in caring for His flock. There is nothing more lovely than a girl tending sheep. Such was Joan of Arc, the great heroine of France. And such was Lucy, the eldest of the Fatima children, and now [at the time this was written in the 1950s] a Carmelite nun in Portugal, named Sister Mary of the Immaculate Heart, to whom Our Lady appeared six times in 1917.

A beautiful title of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and one that could be and should be given to her, is the Divine Shepherdess. Mary, who is willing to be our Shepherdess if we will be her lambs and her sheep, has already had the experience of having Almighty God as her first little Lamb: “The Lamb of God Who takest away the sins of the world.”

Our Lady of the Good Shepherd (source)