A Very Good Read on Educational Standards

At our Immaculate Heart of Mary School, we combine the very Catholic pedagogic insights of Saint John Bosco with those of a living expert in “classroom management” named Michel Linsin. Mr. Linsin calls his system, “Smart Classroom Management.”

In our considered opinion, this gentleman’s insights on education fit hand-in-glove with those of the nineteenth-century founder of the Salesians.

Before our current school year started, our teachers benefited from a training session with Mr. Linsin, and we purchased copies of one of his instructional booklets for every teacher. We are very glad we did these things.

The introductory remarks now done, here is a fine read from Michael Linsin: Why Low Standards Are Destroying Our Schools.

If you thought you had heard it all regarding how bad our nation’s schools’ are becoming, this very brief column just might prove you wrong! Standards are plummeting, and the educators lowering them pretend they are helping students in doing so. Of course, very opposite is true.

Here is a brief excerpt to whet your appetite:

The best thing for mental health is having purpose. It’s having goals and aspirations bigger than themselves and high standards to strive for. When you take this away from students and ease their way you leave them rudderless.

You remove the deep satisfaction in doing well. You weaken the value of school, leaving it and them bereft of meaning and fulfillment.

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Hopefully, the reader can see how easily “baptized” these ideas are. That’s the beauty of right reason! When we add supernatural purpose to this picture, then a true Catholic vision of education comes into view.