Updated: All Pro-Lifers PLEASE Sign This Petition

(Updated with new information supplied by commenter Michael — see comments below.)

The death merchants at the Concord Feminist Health Center and their allies are seeking to expand the “buffer zone” that insulates them and their would-be victim-clients from the prayers and loving counsel of prolifers.

According to the Concord Monitor, “There is a petition to the city council asking for a 35-foot buffer zone outside the Concord Feminist Health Center on South Main Street. Bob and Eileen Ehlers were in front of the center on Friday afternoon, May 17, 2013, volunteering to escort patients inside. The current buffer zone is 8 feet from the steps of the center, a distance Eileen measured and marked with chalk.”

Wherever you live, please sign this petition that says, “We, the undersigned citizens of Concord and other concerned citizens, petition the Concord City Council to deny any request for a “buffer zone” around the Concord Feminist Health Center. It is unnecessary, and an infringement upon our first amendment rights.”