Going to War in Syria: Seriously?

Catching up on news after our conference weekend (a good one, by all accounts I’ve heard from attendees), I became disturbed at the possibility of imminent war. I speak of the saber rattling over Syria. If the Warhawks get their way, there will be more useless deaths of Americans, increased (and justified) hatred of us abroad, worse conditions for the Christians in the Middle East, and possibly a major conflagration leading to WWIII.

We’ve aroused Russian aggression in numerous ways in recent years (by, e.g., bringing NATO right to Moscow’s front yard), but insisting on “regime change” in a nation that is their ally, and where the Christians are protected, just may be that malevolent last straw that breaks the camel’s back, only the camel is the Russian Bear and Vladimir Putin is not a man to be messed with.

Here are some news links for those interested:
