If Religion Has Nothing to Do with Saving Your Soul…

But if you still need that “churchy” feeling on Christmas, may I commend to you BBC Magazine’sA guide to Christmas worship for novice churchgoers“? Despite its point of origin in the U.K., the advice offered applies here in the U.S. and elsewhere, for it transcends boundaries of space and time, and has universal appeal — especially if you’re not into the transcendent in religion, and consider nothing really universal in the realm of revelation.

The article’s modest goal is to answer this question:

For many in the congregations, Christmas is an important time to reflect on spiritual matters and church-going is a key part of this. But many others will be walking into a building that looks strange, for a service that’s not familiar. So what will happen and what should they watch out for?

The author, a former vicar (that’s a “church-guy” for our real novices), explains to the unchurched what they can expect in High (including Papist), Low, and Broad church venues. Very handy for making informed decisions about fulfilling ones obligation duty vague need to do something spiritual this Winter. After all,

…we live in an age of choice, and religion is no exception…

Happy shopping, and I hope your experience is a pleasant one. Oh, and “Happy Holidays.”

Now, if religion does have something to do with saving your soul, I have another recommendation altogether. Try a Catholic church. That’s “The Safe Choice”®. Merry Christmas!