Saint Bibiana (Vivian) (363)

Saint Bibiana was a heroic Roman girl, the daughter of a father and mother who were saints.  Her sister was also a saint.  All four of this family were martyred for the Catholic Faith.  Her father, Saint Flavian, has his feast day on December 22.  Her sister, Saint Demetria, has her feast day on June 21.  And Saint Dafrosa, the mother of Saint Bibiana, has her feast day on January 4.  This is how this holy little family is scattered through the year in liturgical love.  It was Julian the Apostate, in 363, who martyred Saint Bibiana.  He could not induce her to give up either her Faith or her chastity, even though she was tied to a pillar and scourged with metal ropes.  When she died, her body was thrown to the dogs.  It was rescued by a Catholic priest.  There is a great church dedicated to Saint Bibiana in Rome.  Her mother and her sister are buried with her.  This saint is not to be confused with the patroness of the diocese of Los Angeles, California, whose feast day is September 1.

Saint Vivian (right) and her sister, Saint Demetria

Saint Vivian (right) and her sister, Saint Demetria (source)