The Transfiguration (32)

The Transfiguration of our Lord occurred on a mountain in Galilee, one year before He died. Three Apostles were with Jesus at the time. They were Peter, James and John. This was a glorious mystery. The same three Apostles were with Jesus in the joyful mystery of the raising of the daughter of Jairus to life from her bed after she had died, and in the sorrowful mystery of the Agony in the Garden, when Jesus sweat blood, the night before he died

On the mountain of the Transfiguration, the body of Jesus shone, radiant with light. Moses, the greatest writing prophet, and Elias, the greatest speaking prophet of the Old Testament, came and stood beside Him there. It was at this moment that; the voice of God the Father, the First Person of the Blessed Trinity — to show us the divine and adorable dignity of Jesus, true God and true Man, and transcending the majesty of any other being that ever had been in this world — said, “This is My Beloved Son in Whom I am well pleased. Hear ye Him.” The three Apostles fell on their faces on the ground. When they looked up, there was no Moses and no Elias. There was only Jesus, standing humbly beside them and telling them, as Mary’s Child, that they had nothing to fear.

Transfiguration of Christ by Blessed Fra Angelico (1441)

Transfiguration of Christ by Blessed Fra Angelico (1441)