Bishop of Scranton, PA, Warns About Bogus “Catholic” Groups

I have not yet succeeded in getting my name off the email list of one of these groups, Catholic United. I had contacted the organization a year or so ago because I was interested in their stand against the war in Iraq. It was not until after the primary conventions were over that Catholics United started showing their true colors. They have been running a campaign downplaying the importance of the abortion issue. Without naming who their candidate is they have been cleverly influencing Catholics to consider “other” issues than abortion, which should be pro-life considerations. When it comes to the slaughter in Iraq I agree with them that it’s a life issue, but that war is not their primary concern. Catholics United wants to pull out of a war far more evil than the U.S. aggression in Iraq, that is war against the slaughter of pre-born babies. There is no proportionality between the two evils. One of Catholics United’s benefactors is none other than Warren Buffett, the richest man in the world. Buffett uses his fortune to promote, among other evils, the world-wide distribution of abortifacients.

CNA reports:

.- The Diocese of Scranton, Pennsylvania has continued educating its members on the importance of life during this election season. In a new video titled, “The Catholic Church and Life Issues,” the diocese refutes claims by groups such as Catholics United and Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good that Catholics can vote for a pro-choice politician.

The video, which is posted on the Diocese of Scranton web site, discusses the importance of defending human life this election, though some groups are targeting Catholics to convince them that the issue is not one of relevance.

The same topic was addressed by the Bishop of Scranton, Joseph F. Martino earlier this month when he surprised organizers of a political forum at a Pennsylvania parish. He warned the faithful in attendance of groups and individuals who wrongly interpret the bishop’s statements – particularly their document on Faithful Citizenship – “to justify their political positions and to contradict the Church’s actual teaching on the centrality of abortion, euthanasia and embryonic stem cell research.”

The video notes that two groups in particular, Catholics United and Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good “claim to be concerned about Catholic teaching and the common good.” Full article is here.