Cardinal Dolan’s Reasons for Marching with Homosexuals in the St. Patrick’s Day Parade

No commentary necessary other than to say that Saint Patrick would vomit this kind of duplicitous, excuse-making cowardice out of his mouth.

Cardinal Timothy Dolan, Archdiocese of NY website:

I haven’t been in this much hot water since I made the comment, right after I arrived as your archbishop five-and-a-half years ago, that Stan Musial—my boyhood hero of my hometown St. Louis Cardinals—was a much better ballplayer than Joe DiMaggio!

Now I’m getting as much fiery mail and public criticism over my decision to accept the honor of Grand Marshal of this year’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade. According to the critics, I should have refused, due to the Parade Committee’s decision to allow a group of self-identified Gays of Irish ancestry to march in the parade with their own banner.

As with Stan Musial, I’ll stand by my decision. However, enough of you have courteously expressed some confusion and dismay, that, as your pastor, I owe you an explanation. Let me try.  Read the rest here.