No Problem Here: It’s a Free Market, Viva Capitalism!

And who are these mega-rich? (And I do not mean just Bill Gates and Warren Buffett who are visible plutarchs.) The international bankers, the major benefactors of the anti-Christ agenda, that’s who they are. Catholics who defend this plutocratic, satanic economic “system,” and ignore the social encyclicals of the Church, defending unbridled capitalism at the expense of the hard-working poor, are reaping the fruits of their — shall I say — “Americanism.” Do not even raise the issue of socialism, please. To condemn capitalism is not to approve of socialism. Socialism is nothing but state-controlled capitalism. But, I am perhaps preaching to the choir. Then, again, maybe not. Do die-hard defenders of capitalism not know that Chase-Manhattan Bank was opened by David Rockefeller in Moscow in 1973 and located at 1 Karl Marx Square. Capitalism and Communism/Socialism have operated as one from the start of the Bolshevik Revolution, the former financing the latter.

The Washington Post: At a certain point, the wealth of the mega-rich becomes so massive as to surpass imagination. Can a person who is not worth tens of billions of dollars truly grasp the difference between Bill Gates (net worth: $78.1 billion as of Thursday, according to Forbes) and Warren Buffett (net worth: $65.6 billion)? Sure, we intellectually understand the difference, in the same way we understand that Mars is closer to the sun than Neptune; we know, but we know from a distance, because we will never personally approach this gulf.

Here’s another way to look at this staggering accumulation of wealth: If Bill Gates took every dollar of his net worth (most of which comes from Cascade Investment, his investment firm, as well as Microsoft), he could afford to buy every home in Boston — and still be worth more than a billion dollars, according to a new report from the online real estate site Redfin. Read more here.