Pius XII Saw Miracle of the Sun Four Times

Zenit News has a very interesting article affirming the fact, with documentation, that Pius XII saw the sun dance in the sky and change colors four times, October 30, 31, November 1, and November 8, 1950. He defined the dogma of Our Lady’s Assumption on November 1 that year. The pope testified to this in his own handwriting. Yet, we have an inexplicable mystery. When the Third Secret of Fatima arrived in Rome in 1957, Pope Pius put it away unopened in a small chest marked “Secret.” Cardinal Ottaviani and Pope John XXIII’s secretary, Monsignor Capovilla, both testified that when, in their presence, Pope John read the letter in 1959, that the envelope containing it was still sealed. No one in the Vatican ever testified that Pope Pius XII read the Secret. Perhaps he was waiting for 1960, the year Sister Lucia said would be “the latest” that the Secret should be revealed. Pius XII believed firmly in Fatima and communicated several times with Sister Lucia. He could have read the letter at any time and revealed its contents to the world. If he had lived to 1960 the world would now know the contents of Our Lady’s message, which is still undisclosed. What John Paul II revealed in 2000 was not the message of the Third Secret but the vision Our Lady gave to the Fatima children on July 13, 1917 while she spoke.

ROME (Zenit) – According to his own testimony, the Pope who declared the dogma of the Assumption saw the “miracle of the sun” four times. This information is confirmed by a handwritten, unpublished note from Pope Pius XII, which is part of the “Pius XII: The Man and the Pontificate” display. The display opened in the Vatican to the public today and will run through Jan. 6. Read full article here.