The Truth is Knowable and the Church Must Proclaim It

The following is an excellent article by Bishop Morlino of Madison, Wisconsin wherein he stresses that the Church is in the business of proclaiming the truth, no matter what, or how widespread, current opinions are arrayed against it.  The Church founded by Christ, he said, must be one, holy, catholic, and apostolic. If any of these four marks are missing from the picture, then  we are not building up the Church, the Mystical Body of Christ, as the Savior intended. Here is a clip from the bishop:

“The Church is here to teach the Truth and thus to sanctify the world.  The Church is in the Truth business,”  the Bishop of Madison says, reminding  that  “in addition to those Truths which we can know by reason alone, by the Natural Law, there are Truths which we, as Catholics, must accept both from Divine Revelation in Holy Scripture and through the Authentic Magisterium of the Church.”  Read the full article here.