Very Famous People Who Were Avid Eugenicists

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Matthew Archbold, National Catholic Register: Eugenics traces its roots back to the late 19th century when Charles Darwin’s cousin Sir Francis Galton coined the term. The theory is that human characteristics and afflictions could be bred out of the human race. It was all the rage in the early 20th century until Adolf Hitler came along and ruined all the fun for everyone.

Despite being debunked, today, eugenics still is going strong except people don’t call it that. Recently, the Kenyan bishops seemed to have exposed an involuntary sterilization program there. And in India, eleven women recently died after a botched sterilization surgery. There have been reports women were bribed to undergo sterilization surgeries in India.

While the term “eugenics” is typically applied to Hitler’s Germany, it was in the United States where eugenics also found great acceptance. Even Hitler once said, “There is today one state in which at least weak beginnings toward a better conception are noticeable. Of course, it is not our model German Republic, but the United States.” Read full account here.