Just Pound the Table!

June 13, 2012

Letters to the Editor
The Boston Globe
P.O. Box 55819
Boston, MA. 02205-5819

To the Editor:

The Lisa Wangsness story on the angry reaction of dissident nuns to Vatican attempts at oversight reminds one of the old legal aphorism “If you have neither the facts nor the law on your side, just pound the table” (Sanctions against nuns spark backlash, 6/12/2012).

The reality here is easy to perceive.  A group of nuns who manifestly reject Catholic teaching, but continue to hold leadership positions in Catholic religious orders, are incensed at the Vatican for pointing out the obvious — that they substituted secular values for Catholic principles sometime ago.

What these nuns want is very simple: no consequences and no accountability for their heresy and apostasy.  Whatever else can be said about Martin Luther, at least he had the integrity to leave.


C. J. Doyle
Executive Director
Catholic Action League of Massachusetts
35 Montclair Avenue
Boston, Massachusetts 02132
(781) 251-9739
[email protected]