About Dr. Paul Lavin

Dr. Paul Lavin received his Ph.D. from the University of Maryland in 1971. He has been a licensed psychologist for nearly forty years and has authored numerous professional books and articles on the problems of troubled youth. He returned to the practice of the Catholic Faith according to the traditional rites of the Church in the late nineties, upon beholding the devastation to the Church caused by various post-conciliar novelties.

For the past several years, Dr. Lavin has concentrated on authoring books and articles focusing on Traditional Catholicism and the many societal issues confronting the true Church and the laity who are trying to remain loyal to it. He is author, with Robert Lavin, of The Iron Man of China, a biography of the Maryknoll missionary, Father Joseph Lavin, Dr. Lavin's uncle.

Chronic Pain

Chronic Pain: ‘They Also Serve Who Only Stand And Wait’ Part I This article is about chronic pain — pain that hangs around the sufferer like an obnoxious intruder that doesn’t know when he is not wanted. Chronic pain has … Continue reading

Reflections on the Power of Islam

It was on April 1, 2013 (April Fool’s Day) that the following headline appeared on MSN News: Lego scraps Star Wars toy Jabba after ‘anti-Muslim’ complaints. A group called the Turkish Cultural Association of Austria complained that Jabba, a Star … Continue reading