Catholic University Pulls Lectures Because of SPLC

The Southern Poverty Law Center is at it again. This time, the PC police have dragooned Catholic University into dropping lectures by two Catholic men who were discussing the topic of “Catholic Communities.” One of those men is our friend, and a regular speaker at the annual SBC Conference, John Sharpe.

From the Washington Times:

Tim Ehlen, a technical writer who organized the lecture series, said he was dumbstruck by how quickly Catholic University canceled the entire series, which was to have run through April 30.

“We are Catholics talking about a Catholic topic on the campus of a Catholic college,” he said. “I am disappointed that Dean Ott so quickly dropped this without any due diligence.”

The SPLC contacted the university at about 3:30 p.m., he said, right in the middle of the first lecture of the series, featuring Alan C. Carlson, president of the Howard Center in Rockford, Ill. By 5 p.m., the series was canceled.

You can learn more about the SPLC in a short YouTube video featuring Lou Dobbs.