Civil War Chaplain Father Clooney ‘Brave as a Lion’

And a fervent apostle (1822-1905) . Here is a clip from a letter he wrote to his brother: “I have been for the last two months very busy in preparing the men to complete their Easter duty, otherwise I would have written oftener, to you. Our division consists of about twelve thousand men and there are Catholics in every regiment. Protestants attend the sermons by thousands in the open field. I have baptized many of them and prejudice against to the Church is gone almost entirely. ” He continues, “A short time ago I baptized and gave his first Communion to the Major General commanding our division. He is now a most fervent catholic and his example is powerful over the men of his command. I have every assistance from him in anything that I require for the discharge of my duties. He is extremely kind to me.” Read full article by Donald McClarey, from The American Catholic, here.