Col. Lawrence Wilkerson: Can the US Say NO to Israel and Ukraine?

For those who might dismiss Chris Hedges’ recently posted video because Mr. Hedges is a liberal, we present a conservative libertarian, Judge Andrew Napoletano, interviewing Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson — the Republican former chief of staff to Secretary of State Colin Powell — on Gaza (and also Ukraine, but mostly the former).

Toward the end, Col. Wilkerson makes some sobering points about how just much of the world hates the United States because of our unconditional support for Israel; how Israel, far from being a strategic asset in the region, is actually a strategic liability; and how the current American-sponsored Israeli terrorism against a civilian population in Gaza is facilitating the recruitment of Islamic terrorists internationally. All of this was predictable. 

Those who think that the United States’ warmongering policies in the Middle East are diminishing terrorism could not be more wrong. It is enabling terrorism. But at least military contractors get to make more money, right?

American “conservatives” who have been mesmerized by the heresy of “Christian Zionism” need to wake up and see reality. Please pray for peace — real peace, which only the Prince of Peace can offer. He is happy to hear the prayers of the Queen of Peace for that noble intention, so let us continue to pray to Her under the title, “Our Lady of Palestine.” 

In this riveting conversation, we are privileged to have Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson as our distinguished guest, as we tackle the pressing question: “Can the US Say NO to Israel and Ukraine?” Colonel Wilkerson, with his extensive background as a former chief of staff to Secretary of State Colin Powell, brings a wealth of knowledge and insight to the table.

Our discussion revolves around the complex dynamics between the United States and two key geopolitical players, Israel and Ukraine. Together, we explore the challenges and implications of asserting independence in foreign policy decisions, particularly when it comes to these critical relationships. Colonel Wilkerson’s deep understanding of international affairs and diplomacy will guide us through the intricate web of interests, alliances, and historical ties that shape America’s interactions with these nations.