Dedicated Texas Priest Asks Prayers for a Holy, Zealous, and Fearless New Shepherd in El Paso

Father Michael Rodriguez, Remnant Column: In light of the recent momentous events in the Diocese of El Paso, TX, I would like to present a special plea to faithful Roman Catholics from around the nation.  On December 1, 2011, our Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI, appointed Bishop Armando X. Ochoa as the new bishop of Fresno, California.  Sursum corda!  Now is the time to lift up our hearts to almighty God and beg Him to have mercy on us, poor sinners that we are.  In order to protect and promote the precious Catholic religion, outside of which there is no salvation, it is imperative that all of us storm heaven with fervent prayers, especially the daily recitation of the Holy Rosary, begging God to send El Paso a holy, zealous, and fearless new shepherd. Read full article here.