Gov Christie ‘Now’ Wants to Keep Kids in School Longer

Most of us patriotic Catholics know that the state already has our children under its thumb without parents having a say in the brave-new-world indoctrination and perverted sex-ed programs.  And, discombobulated Chris Christie wants more state time with our children. Why? So, the poor children (viz. pawns) can be “competitive”!!! What are they “competing” for? Dominance in the world market? Top jobs? Keeping American numero uno? We must preserve “American values” after all.

Children need family love and home jobs, song, real art, and maybe even, prayerful quiet and non-internet access, not more indoctrination classes in pseudo-sciences and false hopes of a earthly two-kid-per-family, two-car garage utopia. Keep the machine well-oiled and running full steam ahead, say clueless Americanists. It seems that our “conservative” politicians want to keep the children away from too much of a domestic hearth (whatever good is left of such). “It’s the economy, stupid!” Keep pumping out things, rather than virtuous citizens. Well-educated dolts are “useful.” What is virtue, anyway, to utilitarian idiots? We are enlightened now; we kill and contracept unwanted babies, so that we can be comfortable.  Don’t let the economaniac Japanese or Communist Chinese baby-killers get ahead of us! “Money” reigns.  Where are the parents? Where is the Church militant? Where are the virtuous statesmen and the virtuous voters who will elect them? God help our country. God help our spiritual shepherds.

NBC Politics: Embattled New Jersey Governor Chris Christie will propose a longer school day and extending the school calendar in his State of the State speech Tuesday, as he tries to shift attention away from the bridge scandal which threatens to derail his second term and presidential ambitions.

“Our school calendar is antiquated both educationally and culturally,” Christie said in excerpts of the speech obtained by NBC News before the address. “Life in 2014 demands something more for our students. It is time to lengthen both the school day and school year in New Jersey.”

Christie described the proposal as a “key step to improve student outcomes, and boost our competitiveness.” Read more here.