I’m Being Censored!

The material on this web site is being censored. Not by a government bureau or, but by the technology of the Internet itself.

(Before I say any more, let me cut to the chase and ask all subscribers to “whitelist” the Ad Rem. It’s quite easy, and will ensure delivery of our materials to your inbox.)

When I sent out the latest Ad Rem, an unusually large number of them “bounced,” i.e., were rejected by the email server of the intended recipients. The software I use to send out the Ad Rem allows me to check my email for spam words. These are words that might tip off an email server that the message is spam. It’s not an exact science, since different email servers have different settings, but our software assigns a numerical value to certain words and warns you that if the sum total of these numbers exceeds 5, your message is likely to be bounced. It turns out my last message had a whopping 13!

I’ve copied the offensive words and their values below, for your amusement. You may find it illuminating to see what constitutes a bad word to our technology. “Homo,” used here as the Latin word for man, got me a 1.4 — the highest value. “Goal,” got me a 1.2, while “Jews” got me 1.0. “Bosom” is a bad word, too, even though I was speaking of the Logos being in the “bosom” of His eternal Father.

Contains the word ‘bosom’ 1.0

Contains the word ‘mp3’ 0.8

Contains the word ‘radio’ 1.6

Contains the word ‘social’ 0.8

Contains the word ‘cycle’ 0.6

Contains the word ‘Jews’ 1.0

Contains the word ‘homo’ 1.4

Contains the word ‘interview’ 1.2

Contains the word ‘vision’ 0.4

Contains the word ‘browse’ 0.8

Contains the word ‘guarantee’ 0.4

Contains the word ‘special’ 0.8

Contains the word ‘goal’ 1.2