Is Soprano Sarah Brightman Really Going into Space? Yes, She Is

I was confused. I saw this headline and was intrigued, thinking it was a spoof. It isn’t. I wish she would not do this. But, Ms. Brightman has a fixation on outer space, donating lots of money to such technology.

Sarah Brightman’s duet with Andrea Bocelli was a work of art, beautiful. What tremendous and complementary gifts they have! Their rendition of “Time to Say Goodbye” was awesome. Not only can the soprano sing like an angel, she also is an actress and has a wonderful stage presence with Bocelli that is endearing, bringing out the best in him.

It is good that Bocelli is vocal about his being pro-life. His mother was advised by doctors to have him aborted because of complications in her health. She refused.

Sad to say Bocelli is not living up to his Faith as to the sacrament of marriage. He is divorced and is living openly with a girlfriend with whom he had a child. Brightman has had two failed marriages. She has received two awards from UNESCO, global promoters of contraception and abortion. Both artists have sung Catholic hymns with moving inspiration and both need prayers.

After a delay due to family illness, British singer Sarah Brightman began months of preparation on Monday at Russia’s Star City cosmonaut training center for a 10-day, $52 million trip to the International Space Station. Read more here.