Lesbian Teen Faked Threats That Sparked College’s ‘Solidarity Rally’

NEW BRITAIN, Connecticut, July 5, 2012 (LifeSiteNews.com) – A lesbian student at Central Connecticut State University (CCSU) won the sympathy of hundreds of students who rallied to her defense against anti-gay remarks before police say video evidence forced her to admit she planted the messages herself.

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[We’re all familiar with ideologues playing the victim. In many cases, we know that this victim status is something they desire, so that they can advance their agenda (and, in the cases of the ADL and SPLC, make tons of money in the process). Here, we have a case of someone who manufactured her own victimization. The linked story says, “CCSU President Jack Miller told rallygoers to speak up if they knew the perpetrator.” So, the President of the University addressed this crowd of hundreds — not doubt, many from the homo-sympathetic media were there — and now looks silly for being hoodwinked. Question for our lawmakers: If “hate crimes” deserve special status, with more draconian punishments, do “counterfeit hate crimes” have an equally privileged place in American jurisprudence? If not, that would constitute discrimination, no?]