Obama and Administration Wage War Against Pro-Lifers Freedom of Conscience

By imperial edict, and as a dark insult to pro-lifers who were preparing their annual march to the Capitol to protest Roe v Wade and the ensuing murders of the pre-born, President Obama and self-deluded “Catholic” Kathleen Sabelius of the Department of Health and Human Services  have given new meaning to the word dictatorial. Genuinely Catholic and pro-life employers have been issued an ultimatum. They have one year to decide if they will serve God or the leviathan state. What boldness! What injustice! The Holy Father just a week ago warned a contingent of bishops visiting Rome from the U.S. that the American government is undermining religious liberty, especially for Catholic employers and institutions which will be forced by law to offer abortion/contraception/sterilization coverage in their health care insurance plans. It is reasonable to assume that the agenda of the president and the Department of Health and Human Services is to force out of business conscientious employers who oppose the culture of death. Does the phony Catholic, Kathleen Sebelius, care one iota about a healthy family, the meaning of marriage and primary purpose of sexual intimacy, and the safety of the pre-born (and even partially-born) children in the womb? No. And this latest imperial decree proves it. They could care less if Catholic hospitals and other health care providers have to shut down services rather than violate their well-formed consciences. Catholic hospitals in all of our nation’s fifty states account for 17% of all hospital admissions. To be true to their faith and the natural law written by God on every heart these institutions will have to suffer the punitive consequences of protest, which, if the current regime has its way, could mean closure. And this is just hospitals. The damage all around, including all conscientious employers who are required to provide health care coverage, would be catastrophic. The following article by Deacon Keith Fournier, with a lede quotation from Archbishop Dolan, spells out the sobering situation in all of its stark realism.

Catholic Online: “The Obama administration has drawn an unprecedented line in the sand. In effect, the president is saying we have a year to figure out how to violate our consciences.To force American citizens to choose between violating their consciences and forgoing their healthcare is literally unconscionable.In effect, the president is saying we have a year to figure out how to violate our consciences.To force American citizens to choose between violating their consciences and forgoing their healthcare is literally unconscionable.” (Cardinal Designate Dolan, Abp of New York, President, USCCB) Read full article here.